Sunday, March 3, 2013


I have finally created my LinkedIn profile. It was important for me to just basically list what I have done in the past and my interests. I wanted to mention the type of job experience I have had as well as what type of duties I preformed at my previous jobs. It is very easy for people to see I have a lot of phone, customer service, sales, and retail experience. Even though I am navigating from some of those types of jobs, the skills I have learned are important for any position as well as everyday life. 

 My philosophy on LinkedIn is I have created it for a class and that's about it. I believe it was something I wanted to wait on, until I graduated, entered the job world, or established exactly what I want to do with myself. I would say I am a "professional" LinkedIn user. I prefer to contact with people I know or in similar industries. I hope Linked in helps me in the future when I need it, at this point I have no expectations of the site. It is new to me and I am just beginning to learn about it. Right now I will use it to connect with people I know and research the business I like and the site itself. 

I decided to check out Sam Schatz's blog on LinkedIn. Sam had a short but sweet blog that covered a few good points. His main reason for checking in on LinkedIn will be for job hunting. I think this is another aspect of the site I will use and his blog reminded me of this. He also mentioned you can follow business's you are interested in working for as well as people who may be influential on getting you into those positions. He laid out the facts and the important factor's of what LinkedIn will do for him.

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