Sunday, February 24, 2013

Facebook for business

I think Facebook is a fabulous marketing tool. When you market your business on facebook you are reaching out to a huge audience, but you are also open to feedback. I believe this is the best way to promote your business and get idea's for new items, sales, and improvements. Even twenty years ago a lot of business's lacked in feedback and really only went off sales and in house experiences. Facebook has changed that and really opened up a whole new world to business's and how they market their company and products. Whether you currently see the value of social networks like Facebook or not, the reality is that a whole bunch of people use it. Learning to draw the right type of people to you and connect with them are key ingredients to getting your name out there and picking up some new clients or customers.

I think there are alot of usefull tips to use when marketing your business on Facebook. Including the following:

* Use photo's and use as many as you can- this helps people to see what they cant experience by being online

*Be unique and different- people don't just want to see the usual "come on in" posts!

* Reward your followers- contests and giveaways are a great way to keep people following

* Create a clear call to action- make it easy for followers to access your website, order products, and find your business. Show and tell them what they want!

*Always be honest- Facebook is the last place you want negative feedback or inaccurate information ruining your credibillity

First I would say set your goals and then determine how to measure your goals. Things to be considered:

*How many people are visiting your page

*How many people are clicking on links

*How many people are sharing content

*How long people stay on the page

Answering these questions will provide you with a good idea how your Facebook promotion is affecting your business. If it is not a significant change, then do something different and possibly add some paid ad's. However, start out small with paid ad's to see what works and what does not. 

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