Friday, January 25, 2013

American Idol season 12 niche blog post

American Idol blogs have been going strong ever since the show started in June 2002.  Its been a fun place for people to show love to their favorites, laugh about the wanna-be's, and lay out their predictions on the shows outcome.  Idol is still the number one singing show, despite all their changes and controversies. Personally, I have been a fanatic from the beginning. I have followed blogs, contestant sites and social media handles, and even attended the tour.

American idol blogs this season are everywhere. One thing on everyone's mind is if the Mariah Carey and Nikki Minaj feud is for real or for the ratings? What do you think? I personally think that with two big personality's that demand so much attention, it must be real. In the following blog they discuss that same issue. Some think it may be for show and ratings, but most can not deny the tension between the two while watching the last few weeks of episodes. One thing I agreed upon that Mariah said at the press conference regarding the fighting was "This is American Idol, It's bigger then all that."

I love reading the idol blogs to see if people were moved or touched by certain contestants as I sometimes am. The answer of course is yes! The following blog discusses several different contestants every night after the show airs. It does a great job providing a recap on what judges thought or said about certain contestants, whether its good or bad. Some of the posts are short and sweet, but they name the contestants and get right to the point. I Have a feeling that more blogs about idol may start coming out of the wood work as the season progress's. One thing is for certain, there are many people who love the show and are willing to keep the world up to date with their blogs.


  1. I have seen parts of Idol but never really got into it. However the public always here about "fights" on television so I have heard of the two judges arguing.

  2. Really cool first post! I like that you added a picture, really caught my attention. I have never really got into Idol but I know a ton of people that love it.

  3. I loved your picture. It brings you right to your blog. Great job. Ilove American Idol and have been a fan since season 2.

  4. American Idol...this show has really taken off and has been going strong for some time now. I remember watching it when I was younger with my friends all the time and seeing Kelly Clarkson win for the first time. Unfortunately I never get to watch it anymore. If you keep posting updates I would definitely read them to catch up!

  5. I am glad I am not the only "weirdo" that likes or at one time liked American idol!!!
